July 21 - August 3
With Silver and Wood Pigeon
Community Weeks: Work, Rest and Play
Come and whistle while you work on the land and in the house – building, restoring, creating and collaborating. This gathering is traditionally a time to give love, sweat and energy to Folleterre. This year we have a few days longer than usual and we want to balance what we give to the sanctuary with time to rest – deeply rest – in the arms of another or all by yourself – and play – deeply play – with faeries from all over the world.
One big project we will be working on is building the new toilet block – but there are plenty of other and different tasks too.
So come with your hammers, pillows, and party frocks, and whatever else you need to work, rest and play in the company of faerie folk. Let’s do this!
When we worked
we really worked.
And when we played
we really PLAYED.
–Dr Seuss